Meet Azra Cerimovic
Territory Service Specialist
Atlanta, GA

In the bustling city of Atlanta, Azra Cerimovic brings a unique perspective to our team. Her story is one of resilience, determination, and triumph.
Azra’s story begins amidst the chaos of the Bosnian War in 1992. Her father, a courageous soldier, made the difficult decision to send his family to Germany for safety while he served in their homeland. The war concluded in 1995, reuniting the family, and they made the life-altering decision to immigrate to the United States. This transition brought the challenges of adapting to a new country, language, and culture—a daunting process for any family.
Fast-forward to today, and Azra is a beacon of success and inspiration within our organization. Joining us on her birthday in October, Azra reflects on her journey, emphasizing the incredible support she receives from her colleagues and the leadership team. Previously in the lab industry, she joined our company as a Territory Specialist in Atlanta, a move facilitated by her former competitor turned colleague, Jeff Grey.
Azra’s day-to-day responsibilities involve collaborating with Jeff and supporting clients throughout Atlanta. Her schedule varies from client implementations to service calls, showcasing the dynamic nature of her role. Azra is an integral part of a dedicated team that collectively works to positively impact people’s lives and fulfill our mission of Getting People Healthier Faster.
What drew Azra to our company was the unpredictability of each day and the opportunity to make a tangible difference in people’s lives. She appreciates the collaborative and responsive culture, emphasizing the joy of face-to-face interactions with healthcare providers. Azra’s personal and professional goals align seamlessly with the values and growth opportunities our company provides. Her young daughter is a powerful motivator, inspiring Azra to succeed financially and invest quality time and energy into her family.
Reflecting on her accomplishments, Azra takes pride in transforming her inherited territory. She and her team have set the stage for a successful 2024 through hard work and dedication.
Azra’s ability to overcome adversity is truly remarkable. From navigating the challenges of a new language and culture to self-assessing and learning, she has cultivated a unique perspective that fuels her compassionate approach to building relationships. Azra attributes her success to her parents’ hard work and perseverance – both war refugees who started anew in a foreign land.
Beyond the professional realm, Azra finds solace in physical activity, whether hitting the gym, practicing Pilates or barre, or enjoying a game of golf. Her commitment to maintaining her mental health underscores her holistic approach to well-being.
Azra Cerimovic’s story is a testament to the strength that emerges from adversity, the power of compassion, and the resilience that defines true success. As she continues to contribute to our organization, Azra’s journey inspires us all.